16. Supply Chain

All Reports

Annual Review 2023/24

Supply Chain

Hill’s supply chain is an integral part of our business, contributing significantly to our ongoing operations and success.

We have invested considerable effort in building a robust and resilient supply chain, ensuring we deliver our projects effectively, efficiently, and to the highest-possible standards.

We take a collaborative approach to the management of our supply chain and believe in developing long-held relationships with our partners based on transparency, trust, and fairness.

We recognise that engaging regularly with our suppliers at all levels and stages is critical to laying the foundation for more efficient work practices that align with our own values.

Our supply chain partners are integral to the growth of Hill.

Our supply chain partners are integral to the growth of Hill.

Building for the future: Growth AND Sustainability IN our Supply Chain

The past 15 months have been a period of significant growth for our company. We have expanded into new regions across the UK, including Kent and the Midlands, opening up exciting opportunities to deliver much-needed homes. This expansion has placed a vital demand on our supply chain network. To ensure we have the skilled workforce to deliver our project pipeline, we have worked diligently to grow our network in parallel with our geographical reach. 

We are committed to building high-quality, sustainable homes while maintaining the highest safety standards. To achieve this, we have given our supply chain access to a suite of training courses, helping prepare them, alongside any new partners, for the demands of the future.

Growth in supply chain

Building Relationships: Engaging with New Partners

We take a proactive approach to forging relationships with new buyers, suppliers, and consultants. This has been achieved through a multi-pronged strategy, combining our own initiatives with participation in recognised industry events.

We have established a successful annual programme of regional supply chain engagement days. These events provide a valuable platform to connect with potential partners in each of our operational areas.

We actively participate in Constructionline’s national ‘Meet the Buyer’ events.  These events, such as those held in Birmingham and Derby in 2023, offered us the opportunity to connect with a pre-qualified pool of potential suppliers aligned with our needs. 

North West London Supply Chain Event.

North West London Supply Chain Event.

We participated in over ten 'Meet the Buyer' events to connect with new partners.

To further amplify our reach, we partnered with Constructionline on a series of regional events including Bristol, London, Norwich, and South London.

We organised a dedicated ‘Meet the Buyer’ event in Gravesham specifically to meet consultants and buyers who may be able to assist us as we grow our new investment partnership with Gravesham Borough Council.

We have also hosted a series of successful supplier engagement days including Coventry, Dagenham, Ealing, and Milton Keynes, which have proven to be an excellent way to connect with potential partners in a focused and productive environment.

By combining our own initiatives with participation in industry events, we have fostered a strong network of partners, allowing us to secure the talent and resources needed to support our ongoing growth.

Prioritising Safety: Building Compliance with Constructionline

Building safety is paramount, and we are committed to working with subcontractors, consultants and suppliers who share this value. To achieve this, we continue to partner with Constructionline, a leading provider of risk and compliance information for the construction industry.

Through Constructionline’s Radar, we can access a centralised dashboard that pulls together relevant company information, including their Building Safety Act compliance status. This real-time data helps us make informed decisions when selecting subcontractors, ensuring we partner with those who prioritise safety throughout their operations.

We encouraged high-risk trades to upgrade their Constructionline memberships to Gold. This upgrade unlocks a deeper level of detail on their health and safety performance and operating procedures. By requiring this enhanced standard for new high-risk suppliers at the onboarding stage, we ensure a safer and more competent supply chain across all our sites.

Committing to the safety of subcontractors, consultants and suppliers.

Committing to the safety of subcontractors, consultants and suppliers.

Investing in Skills: Upskilling our Supply Chain

Building a competent and engaged supply chain is essential for our continued success. To achieve this, we have implemented a programme of training and development initiatives designed to equip our partners with the skills and knowledge they need to excel.

We have delivered a series of informative online ‘lunch and learn’ events focused on key industry topics. These sessions provided our supply chain with valuable insights into ‘Social Value’ – its meaning, our expectations, and how they can contribute to achieving our shared goals.

Following previous training initiatives, we conducted questionnaires to gather valuable insights into training needs.  Based on this feedback, we are planning a dedicated training session about ‘Sustainability’, scheduled for delivery in 2024.

By offering targeted training programmes and fostering a culture of continuous learning, we empower our supply chain partners to excel. This collaborative approach ensures we have a skilled and knowledgeable workforce, well-equipped to navigate the ever-evolving construction landscape and deliver exceptional results for the Group.

Our partnership complements our existing training programmes, providing a comprehensive approach to upskilling our supply chain for a sustainable future.

We target 25% local labour across our sites.

We target 25% local labour across our sites.

Investing in the Future: Apprenticeship Initiatives

Creating a skilled workforce for the future is a shared responsibility, and in line with our commitment to social value, we are actively promoting apprenticeships throughout our supply chain.

To empower our subcontractors, our Social Value team developed a comprehensive Apprenticeship Guidance Document, which provides resources and clear information on our programme details and the benefits.

Recognising the value of collaboration, the guidance highlights multiple shared apprenticeship providers.  This expands access to training opportunities, ensuring a wider pool of skilled apprentices.

The document also explains why and how subcontractors should meet project apprentice targets, aligned with our membership of the 5% Club, which champions a commitment to employing 5% of the workforce as apprentices.  It also encourages local recruitment wherever possible, in support of our project target of 25% local labour across all sites.